Yoga for Immunity | How to boost immune system naturally and stay safe from viruses and diseases?

The immune system of our body should be strong, it works like an army in the body who keeps you safe from viruses and diseases, and to improve immunity yoga is the best way and there are so many yoga for boosting immunity.

But today I will tell you about some best and necessary yoga for immunity, if you really want to make your immune system strong you have to read this complete article carefully then you will not need to search more about improving immunity.
how to boost immune system naturally
The immune system is the defense system of the body, it is the systematic network of cells, tissues, and organs. It protects the body from germs, viruses, microorganisms, and diseases/infections and helps to heal the body, without immunity we can not survive even for a single day as you know every day many viruses enter into our body while eating food and from the air.

Therefore the people who have low immunity power fall ill easily and the people having strong immunity rarely fall ill, you must have seen many people like this. It’s very clear that the strong immune system is very much necessary for our body.

And the good thing is, you can easily strengthen your immune system naturally, there are some yoga practices that will make your immune system strong and I am gonna tell you about those yoga practices.

Yoga for boosting immune system

Yoga provides positive energy to the body which helps in reducing stress levels and improving the condition of the body. Stress is the main cause of the body’s weak immune system.

There are many yoga practices that help to strengthen the body and improve the immune system. If they are practicing regularly it can help improve health so, here are the best yoga for strengthening the immune system.

1. Pranayama

Pranayama is the expansion of life energy and it is the best yoga for increasing immunity power, mainly pranayamas are the breathing exercises it makes the internal organs healthy and good working. Therefore, the body gets healthy and a healthy body has strong immunity. So choose any pranayama of your choice and practice it daily it will make your body healthy and strong.

2. Trikonasana (Tringle pose)

Trikonasana for boosting immunity

The regular practice of trikonasana strengthens the immune system. while practicing this asana, the shape of a triangle is made, that’s why it is known as trikonasana. This asana is considered one of the best yoga poses for boosting the immune system. Doing this Yogasana in the morning is more beneficial.

3. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Bhujangasana for immunity

Bhujangasana is also known as Cobra Pose, It is also a part of Surya Namaskar’s posture. You can hold your breath for 15 to 30 seconds by practicing this asana. Daily practicing of this asana improves blood circulation and blockages of the heart and lungs get opened. It also relives in stress problems and boosts immunity.

4. Halasana

Halasana for boosting immunity

If you are able to do this asana then practice it daily this is the best Yogasana it has so many benefits along with strengthening immunity it increases blood circulation in the head area causing glow on face, removes stress, makes hairs healthy and increases eyesight and many more benefits, so add this yoga pose in your daily yoga routine.

5. Shakti Mudra

Shakti mudra for immunity
Shakti Mudra makes our immune system strong and it removes the weakness of the body by performing this mudra daily. Shaktimudra is very beneficial for athletes, you can do it for 20 to 40 minutes it gives great results and easy to do just sit in Sukhasana and make the hand posture like in the above image and keep it for 20 to 40 minutes.

These are some best yoga practices for strengthening immunity power. Do these yoga poses daily and keep yourself away from viral diseases and remember along with yoga you have to eat healthy food also and avoid eating fast food.
Nowadays due to coronavirus, everyone should improve their immune system and take care of there family and themselves it’s very necessary.

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