How to get glowing skin by yoga

Every person wants to look smart and beautiful and for looking beautiful they need to have smooth and glowing skin, Today I will tell you how to get glowing skin by yoga it doesn’t matter what the skin color is dark or fair, every person is the creation of God and God made every person beautiful.

No doubt, everybody can get glowing skin by yoga practices, only you have to perform some yoga practices and you will get clear and glowing skin very easily and you will not need to use artificial ways to get glowing skin, yoga and healthy diet plan can definitely bring you better results for your skin.

Some people have dull skin because they do not care themselves or they may have some skin problems etc due to which they lost their beauty and they look ugly but in reality every person is beautiful only they have lost their beauty and they don’t know the way to get it back, If you are also one of them, don’t worry I will tell you today how you can make your skin clear and glowing.

How to get glowing skin

Reasons for skin dullness

1. Stress:

Stress affects internal body functions it can make the body ill in many ways, If you are in stress, it may be a cause of your skin dullness, to overcome stress yoga is the best way.

2. Less sleeping :

If you don’t take sleep properly, it will definitely make your skin dull and cause dark circles under the eyes. Proper sleep is necessary for a healthy body, sleep recharge your body and provides cosmic energy to your body organs.

3. Pollution:

Whenever you go outside the home sometimes you have to face pollution, dust, and smoke which makes your face skin dull.

4. Ultraviolet rays:

Facing the ultraviolet rays from the sun for a long time can make your skin color darker, you can use sun defense creams while getting into the direct sunlight in summer days.

5. Changes in drinking water:

Some people get affected due to changes in their drinking water they get ill or can have many problems like skin dullness, constipation, weakness, etc. Check your drinking water TDS level if it is below 50 (mg/L) or above 300 then change it. Idle TDS level for drinking water is 50-150(mg/L).

6. Excess use of beauty products:

Most of the beauty product companies use harmful chemicals even big brands also, and excess use of these chemical products makes you habitual for regular use and sometimes it affects your skin quality which causes dullness, dryness, and pimples, etc.

7. Unhealthy diet:

Everybody knows healthy eating makes the body healthy and if your body is really healthy obviously your skin will also be healthy and glowing.

Yoga for glowing skin

Yoga is the way to regain your natural skin color, your skin quality will definitely improve only you have to do yoga on a daily basis in morning or evening there are many yoga poses and pranayama which are useful In enhancing skin quality and makes your skin glow.
I tell you the most effective yoga practices turn your dull skin to glowing skin. So here I will tell you only 3 best yoga for glowing skin and you have to practice them daily

1. Sarvangasana improves your face glow very fast and it also improves your hair strength and eyesight also Daily perform Sarvangasana for 5-10 minutes for the glowing face skin.

Yoga for glowing face

Sarvangasana increases blood flow to your face and blood provides essential nutrients to the face skin as a result skin gets smooth, spotless and glowing.

2. Kapalbhati improves your body functions from inside and it also regenerates your dead cells and keeps you young for long.

yoga for glowing skin

If you have any allergy or any kind of skin problems will be cured by Kapalbhati pranayama.

3. Prana mudra makes your face beautiful by curing every skin disease it needs 20-40 minutes to be performed daily and you will see the results within 15 to 20 days.

Yoga mudra for glowing skin

It can be performed any time you want but morning and evening time is best.

Just do these three yoga practices daily for one month and get back to the post and let me know in the comments section about your experience.

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Thank you and be healthy.

Also Read  8 best food for glowing skin

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