How to cure diabetes by Yoga and Ayurveda

How to cure diabetes?  Nowadays diabetes is becoming a very big problem. Once someone gets diabetes, that person is disturbed throughout his life. He becomes dependent on medicines, he has to avoid favorite foods if it has sugar.

If you are also one of them and tired of taking pills and looking for how to cure diabetes by yoga permanently? Then you are in the right place. I will tell you how you can cure diabetes naturally.

Are you thinking ” is that possible”? Yes, of course,  it can be cured with the help of yoga and Ayurveda many people have cured diabetes permanently I tell you how you can also do but before that let’s know about
What really is the diabetes problem?

What is diabetes?

When the blood sugar level gets unbalanced in the body, then the diabetes problem occurs.

Whenever we eat food, it converts into glucose and it provides energy to every cell of the body with the help of insulin, there is a pancreas gland inside the body near the liver, which produces insulin. If the pancreas doesn’t work properly the glucose, or sugar level gets unbalanced in the blood, which creates diabetes problem and this is known as type 1 diabetes, mostly it happens to below the age of 20 years people.

And there is type 2 diabetes also which happens to people more than the age of 30 years people, it happens because of overweight and bad cholesterol in this case pancreas works properly, but due to the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the veins the insulin presented in the blood cannot regulates the glucose to the body cells properly and sugar level gets unbalanced so the diabetes problem occurs.

How to cure diabetes by yoga

Main Reasons for diabetes

1. Eating more sweet

If you do not do much physical work, then you should not eat too much sweet. Eating many sweet increases the amount of blood sugar in the body. Due to which the risk of diabetes increases.

2. Water scarcity

Drinking less water can increase the level of sugar in the body. Who invites diabetes So, as per doctor’s advice a person should drink around 2 liters of water.

3. Obesity

Obesity is also a cause of diabetes, due to weight gain, our body starts taking many diseases at home, one of them is diabetes. So maintaining weight is good for health.

4. Not exercising

Blood sugar level increases in the body by not exercising. Doing exercise or yoga, it maintains the proper blood flow in the body, which helps to maintain blood sugar in the body. Doctors also recommend exercising daily.

5. Getting less sleep

In today’s lifestyle, most people sleep late at night and they have to wake up early in the morning, due to which they are not able to get enough sleep which causes many health problems like headache, hair fall, migraine, eyes problem, and diabetes also.

6. Taking an Unhealthy Diet

An unhealthy diet is the biggest factor of diabetes skipping meals, eating fast food causes diabetes. Eating food late is also increases diabetes risk. A healthy diet is very important for health.

One more biggest reason is refined oil, it increases bad cholesterol in the body that causes heart attack and sugar. Don’t use refined oil, Use Olive oil, Rice bran oil, & coconut oil these are some best oils for health.

Yoga for diabetes

there are so many yoga asanas and pranayamas but I will tell you about three best yoga practices that are highly beneficial for diabetes.

1. Pranayama

You should do anyone Pranayam for diabetes, Anulom-Vilom and Kapalbhati pranayama are recommended Deep breathing and exhaling keeps blood circulation intact. This relaxes the nervous system, which usually keeps the brain calm and helps to make the body healthy.

2. Balasana

Balasan for diabetes

This asana is able to cure diabetes is also known as the child pose. It removes all the stress and fatigue. It performs stretching of the spine, thigh, and ankles. It relieves stress and fatigue. It is also helpful in lower back pain.

3. Ardh Matsyendrasana

Ardh Matsyendrasana

This asana is also placed in the category of the best yoga for diabetes because this asana specifically enhances the lung’s ability to breathe and hold oxygen for longer which helps to maintain the blood sugar level. This relaxes the spine and relieves back pain or other back problems also.

4. Apaan Mudra

Mudras can be performed any time during the day but whenever you do it minimum time should be 15 minutes and maximum 40 minutes.
Apaan mudra cures so many health problems one of them is diabetes also.
Yoga Mudra gives miraculous results and very easy to perform.

Read -> What is yoga Mudra its benefits and how it works

If you will keep doing these yoga practices daily, then your diabetes problem will be cured, provided you also have to take care of the food.

And if you are unable to do yoga or want quick results, then you should take some health supplements as well. However, even if you don’t do yoga, you will get benefit immensely from these supplements and these supplements are completely Ayurvedic and if you are taking medicines, you can take them along with ayurvedic health supplements, there will be no side effects.

These supplements are Neem, Noni, Flax oil and Ayusante Glucohealth(specially made for diabetes). You can buy these from here 👉 Buy Now or from nearest vestige store or search on Amazon

Use these Ayurvedic supplements and do yoga daily you will see great results within a month and then tell your experience in the comment section.

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Be healthy and be safe.
Thanks for reading   

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