How I started Yoga

I used to be very lean and weak in my childhood and I used to get sick very quickly my body was weak but my will power was strong and I loved to watch action movies and I loved to play arcade games I started watching WWE and Chinese movies since I was 6 years old and it is very strange in that age, children like to watch cartoons I also used to watch cartoons sometimes but more I like action movies. 

That time I don’t know about my physical health, only I just thought that I am very powerful like fighters and let me tell you one thing try not to laugh, I used to see dreams of fighting and many times I saw wwe fighters and Jackie Chan fighting with me in my dreams and when I grew up to 12,13 years I started running and exercise with some elder boys and tried to learn martial arts myself but every other month I used to get sick of cold and cough because I had very low immunity so I was not able to exercise for long, therefore, I couldn’t make my body healthy and couldn’t learn Marshal arts.

Arjit Kumar

when I was 18 years old I got sick of malaria for around 20 days and malaria is a very dangerous disease spreads through mosquitoes. I used to take high power medicines and that are also harmful to the liver and that happened I was afraid of, Malaria had cured but my liver got damage.

 And that time my liver was not able to easily digest even water, I used to drink a glass of water at night and till morning, the water did not digest if I jumped a little I can feel water movement in my stomach and Blood like smell used to come out of my mouth even I could smell that also every time. 

I used to eat one roti and one glass of water in a day Just imagine what would be my condition, the doctor told me it’s a very critical condition it can take more than 3 months to recover or maybe more because due to the damaged liver it was very hard to digest medicines I did not take medicines and I was worried about my health and then I thought to start yoga as I  had listened about it that it can cure all the human body diseases.

I had a very old book of yoga I had never read that book but in need, I read that and I found some yoga practices for cure liver and kidneys then I started doing “Kapalbhati” and “Anulome-VilomePranayama for 15 -15 minutes, really it worked for me my liver was healing day by day and within 10 days liver got completely healed. That was a miracle and I saw the power of yoga first time in my life since then I started yoga and read yoga books for knowing more about Yoga and now I motivate others also to do yoga.

And now I hope you also know about the power of yoga and hope you will make it an important part of your life

Thanks for reading and be healthy

Also read
1. Importance of Yoga
2. Importance of Health

3 thoughts on “How I started Yoga”

  1. Yes you are right brother, but some people don't understand the power of Ayurveda.
    It sounds good that some people like you still believes in yoga & ayurveda.


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