Best food for immunity | 8 best foods that boost immunity faster

Immunity is a very essential thing in our body it works as an army that defends the body from diseases and viruses, without immunity no one can survive and today the whole world is talking about boosting immunity power for a fight with COVID19.

So here I am, today I will tell you about some best food for boosting immunity, by consuming that food you can strengthen the immune system that will support you to fight with viruses and diseases.

best food for immunity

8 Best food for immunity

There are so many natural foods that boost the immune system but here I will talk about only 8 best food, these foods are easily available at home and maybe you consume these foods every day and if not then start taking them, let’s know what are the best foods that boost immunity.

1. Green Tea

You must have known about the benefits of green tea, but do you know, it can also help you to strengthen the immune system. Yes, consuming green tea every day can boost immunity power. It has strong antioxidant properties, which reduce the effects of oxidants and free radicals on the immune system and keep the immune system strong. it can be consumed twice a day.

2. Turmeric

It has anti-inflammatory properties that work to increase immunity. It does not have only anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and chemopreventive properties (cancer-resistant properties), but it also helps to improve the functioning of B and T cells (the type of white blood cells) that keep the immune system safe and healthy. So turmeric is the best for immunity.

3. Spinach

Spinach can be helpful in increasing immunity power. Spinach contains vitamin A and can work effectively to strengthen the immune system, along with the immune system Vitamin-A can improve eyesight also and help you to protect against infections, by seeing these advantages, spinach should be included in the foods that increase immunity.

4. Ginger

Ginger is one of the best food that increases immunity power. Ginger has immunonutrition and anti-inflammatory properties, which help to improve the immune system and the antioxidants present in it help to protect the body from free radicals and the ginger extract can be somewhat helpful in protecting from diabetes and arthritis.

5. Garlic

Garlic empowers our immune system to fight against diseases by making a large number of anti-oxidants. It contains an element called allicin, which provides  power to the body to fight infections and bacteria. The use of garlic every day in food prevents stomach ulcers and cancer. By taking two buds of garlic daily in the morning control high blood pressure and also keeps the body’s immune system strong for a long time.

6. Curd

Curd contains higher calcium than milk. The bacteria and nutrients present in the curd act as the antibiotic properties for the body and also increases the ability to fight against diseases. In comparison to milk, Curd has many vitamins like protein, lactose, calcium, iron, phosphorus, etc. so curd is considered more nutritious than milk. Daily intake of curd increases the body’s immunity power and increases the ability to fight against viruses and diseases.

7. Green leafy vegetables

Green vegetables are very important in the diet. High amounts of vitamins and minerals are present in the vegetables. Iron elements, vitamin-A, vitamin-B complex, vitamin-C, calcium, and fiber are available in good quantity. green vegetables contain powerful antioxidants that eliminate or prevent the growth of free radicals in the body that cause cancer. The intake of green leafy vegetables keeps the digestive system strong. Green leafy vegetables contain fiber that is very important to remove the constipation problem.

8. Almonds

Almonds contain vitamin-E and healthy fats are found and vitamin-E is very important for our body to prevent colds. Vitamin E keeps the immune system healthy, it helps to increase the natural killer cells found in the body, almonds also work to increase the number of B-type cells in the body and these cells make antibodies, which help to destroy harmful bacteria present in the body.

these are the best immunity booster foods start consuming these foods in your daily diet and you can do yoga also for more better health.

Also Read: Yoga for boosting the immune system.

1 thought on “Best food for immunity | 8 best foods that boost immunity faster”

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