How to cure Baldness and grow hairs fast

If you are suffering from hair fall problem you have become bald or going to bald and you do not want to let that happened then you are in the right place here I will provide you with some solutions for stop hair fall and regrowth of hairs.

Yes! Hair regrowth is also possible there is a myth that hairs cannot grow again, but it is not so. Definitely, hairs regrowth is 100% possible only you have to follow my instructions for some months, and believe me, your hairs will regrow. The use of Ayurveda and yoga can regrow your hairs, so firstly let’s know about why hair fall occurs.

Reasons for hair fall


  Most of the time the hair fall problem occurs because of the genetic problem, if there is someone in your family who is bald your father or grandfather then most probably you will also suffer from baldness, actually this is a disease named “Alopecia” and it transfers genetically to the next generation.

2. Stress/Tention

  If you take stress it can cause hair fall and you have to take it seriously otherwise your hair fall will increase day by day and can make you completely bald.

3. Lack of proper nutrition.
   Hairs need some essential vitamins and minerals like protein, vitamin E, zinc, biotin, and omega 3 fatty acids. if there is a deficiency of any one of among these vitamins and minerals your hair fall will increase.

4.Frequent hair wash and dryer use.
  Frequent hair wash can cause hair problems and dryer makes hair roots dry in hair roots, there is a natural oil that makes your hair shine but frequent use of shampoo and dryer eliminates that natural oil. Hair wash should be once in a week whether you are male or female.

Natural treatment for hair regrowth

Have you listen about “Balayam” this is a nail rubbing exercise in yoga it is used for all types of hair problems. This exercise will definitely cure all hair problems and regrow your hairs but it takes a long time for hair regrowth and you have to continue balayam for 6 months, yes I know it’s hard to continue for 6 months but if you can continue it for 1 month then you can do it for 6 months also after 1 month you will be habitual of doing this.

To do this balayam exercise you have to rub your nails for 5 minutes and do it at least 3 times a day any time you can do it. and beware you have to rub your nails from behind not from the front side, rubbing nails from behind grow hairs on the head and rubbing nails from the front side grow hairs on shoulder and chest. So do it carefully, rub the nails from behind like this 👇 picture.

how to cure baldness

And for best results do Shirshasana (Headstand) also and if you can’t do it then do Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand) both have the same benefits. And don’t frequently change hair oils and my recommendation is to use Coconut oil this is the best oil for hairs you can buy it from Amazon by clicking here 👉 Buy Coconut oil

The reason for hair regrowth by using balayam is, it increases blood flow in the head by which hairs root get proper nutrition and make hair healthy and strong and slowly hairs regrow.
And one more important thing is taking proper nutrition for hairs that will be supplied through the blood in your head.
So take nutrition that fulfills the need of Protein, Vitamins A, C, E, Iron, zinc, biotin, and Omega 3.
Try this balayam and yoga exercises and take proper nutrition and believe your hairs will definitely regrow.

Also Read 👉 Best food for hairs

Thanks for reading and be healthy.


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