What is Apan mudra and why it is useful for the health

Apan Mudra is the most commonly used mudra it has so many benefits, you will know everything about Apan Mudra just read this complete article and you will know, what is Apan mudra, how to perform it, it’s benefits and precautions.
Let’s know everything one by one

What is Apan Mudra

Apan Mudra detoxes the body by stimulating the excretion system to flush out toxins and helps the digestive system. Hence it is also called digestive posture and detoxification posture.

Apan mudra is in the health center and power center of the body, In terms of yoga, it is known as Swadhisthana Chakra and Mooladhar Chakra. The function of Apan is to excrete feces – urine, womb, and semen. In addition, it also serves to cooperate in dynamic situations like sleeping – sitting, walking.

How to do Apan Mudra

  1. First of all, take a mat and spread it on the ground and sit on it in Padmasana or Siddhasana, making sure that your spine is straight.
  2. Place both your hands on your knees and the palms should be towards the sky.
  3. Now touch the tip of the middle and ring finger with the tip of the thumb and press it lightly and keep the other two fingers straight.
  4. You should practice by focusing your attention on the breath. Keep breathing normally during exercise.
  5. In this state, it should remain for at least 40 minutes.
  6. If you practice it every day then you will get good results. Practicing this mudra in the morning and in the evening is more fruitful. Mudra can be practiced for 20-20 minutes in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

Health Benefits of Apan Mudra

  1. This posture frees the heart from all diseases.
  2. Breathing related diseases are destroyed by regular practice.
  3. Beneficial in diseases like gas, Indigestion, acidity, constipation, etc.
  4. Removes all stomach related diseases.
  5. By doing this, all diseases of teeth are removed.
  6. It removes all urinary related problems.
  7. Cures diabetes also.
  8. All the toxic elements of the body come out.
  9. It is very helpful for pregnant women.
  10. Reduces the extra weight of the body.
  11. Maintains body temperature by sweating.

Apan mudra is very much beneficial for the people who smoke, drink, tobacco or any kind of intoxication because this mudra detoxifies the body by which all toxins removes from the body and decrease the risk of health problems caused by intoxications.

Caution during Apan mudra

Apan mudra should be done on an empty stomach. Apan mudra is a powerful mudra, in this mudra, there is combination of the Fire, Sky, and earth element (Agni tatva, Akash tatva and Prithvi tatva) The thumb represents the Fire element, the middle finger represents Sky element and ring finger represents Earth element.

You should not do it for more than 45 minutes. And Urine is more likely to come by doing this. It does not cause any harm, so do not be afraid.

So, Make a habit of doing this mudra yoga daily, it’s very easy you can do it while watching television or while gossiping with someone also. But it will be more effective if you do it with proper attention.

Thanks! for reading and be healthy.

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